Corralito en NemeaBank, el banco maltés con depósitos de hasta 3,5% TAE

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Corralito en NemeaBank, el banco maltés con depósitos de hasta 3,5% TAE
28 de abril del 2016 a las 11:15

NemeaBank, el banco maltés que ofrece depósitos de hasta el 3,5% TAE en España está siendo investigado conjuntamente por la Autoridad de Servicios Financieros de Malta (MFSA) y el Banco Central Europeo debido a serie de graves deficiencias normativas en las operaciones del Banco.

Desde ahora NO se permite abrir cualquier cuenta nueva o de aceptar nuevos depósitos de clientes.

La retirada de efectivo de clientes existentes existentes se limitan a 250 EUR por día para cada cliente hasta nuevo aviso; un corralito en toda regla.

Según indica en el comunicado, estas medidas es para para salvaguardar los intereses de los clientes del Banco.

Estas medidas seguirán hasta que MFSA decida.

Si quieres ponerte en contacto con el banco, llamad al +356 2570 8100.

Os recordamos que Nemea Banco es un miembro de los Maltese Depositor Compensation Scheme, que se basa en la Directiva 94/19 de la UE y que protege los depósitos de hasta 100.000 euros por cliente.

El siguiente comunicado lo podéis ver nada más entrar en la web de Nemeabank:

To our esteemed clients,

Following a recent onsite inspection held jointly by the Malta Financial Services Authority and the European Central Bank in April 2016, a number of serious regulatory shortcomings were identified in the Bank’s operations.

These regulatory findings have been communicated to the Bank, together with a directive that restricts the Bank from opening any new accounts or from accepting new client deposits into accounts. Withdrawals by existing clients are being limited to EUR250 per day for each client until further notice.

The regulator has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Malta as a competent person to: [i] take charge of the assets of the Bank for the purpose of safeguarding the interests of depositors and its other clients; and [ii] to assume control of the Bank’s business and to carry on that business and such other functions as the MFSA may direct. This appointment has been effected in terms of Article 29 of the Banking Act and Article 15A of the Investment Services Act.

The regulator has taken these measures to safeguard the interests of depositors and the Bank’s other clients.

These precautionary measures will remain in place until such time as the MFSA may direct otherwise.

The Bank requests all its clients to contact +356 2570 8100 to discuss any questions or concerns they may have in relation to their accounts.

Nemea Bank is a member of the Maltese Depositor Compensation Scheme, which is based on the EU Directive 94/19 and which protects deposits up to EUR100,000 per client.

The Bank apologizes to its clients for the inconvenience caused through the interruption of normal operations.

Comunicado de MFSA:

Public Notice Concerning Nemea Bank plc

This notice is being issued in respect of Nemea Bank p.l.c., (“the Bank”) having registration number C-45026 and operating from Level 17, Portomaso Tower, St Julians, and which holds a credit institution licence in terms of the Banking Act (Chapter 371 of the Laws of Malta), and a Category 2 and Category 3 investment services licence in terms of the Investment Services Act (Chapter 370 of the Laws of Malta).

In order to ensure the proper protection of depositors and the Bank’s other clients, the MFSA has today appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Malta (‘PwC’) as a competent person in terms of Article 29 of the Banking Act and Article 15A of the Investment Services Act. Furthermore the Bank has been given direction with respect to acceptance of deposits and withdrawals until further notice.

These measures are being taken with specific reference to the Bank following an on-site inspection at the Bank carried out jointly with members of the DGMSIII of the European Central Bank (‘ECB’) and which was finalised in April 2016. As a result of this joint inspection a number of serious regulatory shortcomings have been identified and the Authority has decided to take regulatory action to safeguard the interests of depositors and other creditors of the Bank.

In view of these regulatory concerns, which were also discussed by the Supervisory Board of the ECB, the MFSA considered that as a response to the Bank’s situation, taking also the recommendation of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, it is necessary to appoint a competent person to: [i] take charge of the assets of the Bank for the purpose of safeguarding the interests of depositors and its other clients; and [ii] to assume control of the Bank’s business and to carry on that business and such other functions as the MFSA may direct.

These precautionary measures will remain in place until such time as the MFSA may direct otherwise.

Any communication in relation to the Bank should be addressed to the Bank on the following number 25708100.

19 Comentarios
  • por Roberto 2 mayo, 2016 a las 19:47

    Mi hermano y yo tuvimos cada uno un depósito de 5OK que ya nos venció en julio de 2015. No lo renovamos por haber contratado otro producto en España, aunque de haberlo hecho estaría muy tranquilo pues está la garantía del FGD de Malta. Mayores engaños se han cometido por entidades financieras españolas con unos saldos que además no se encontraban garanantizados.

¿Alguna duda? te intentaremos ayudar.


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